
RESTful chessgame developed with kotlin

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htwdd.chessgame.server.controller / DrawController / addDraw


@PostMapping(["application/x-www-form-urlencoded"], ["application/json", "application/xml"]) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.CREATED) fun addDraw(@RequestParam matchId: Int, @RequestParam drawCode: String, @RequestParam(false) startColumn: Int? = null, @RequestParam(false) startRow: Int? = null, response: HttpServletResponse): ResponseEntity<Draw>

Handles the POST request for the URI /draws Params encoded as application/x-www-form-urlencode


matchId - Match reference

drawCode - SAN code to indicate draw properties

startColumn - Value to indicate the column of start field

startRow - Value to indicate the row of start field

Author Felix Dimmel

Return Created draw

Since 1.0.0