
RESTful chessgame developed with kotlin

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htwdd.chessgame.server.model / Draw


data class Draw

Represent a chess draw

Author Felix Dimmel


<init> Draw(id: Int = 0, color: PieceColor? = null, pieceType: PieceType? = null, startField: Field? = null, endField: Field? = null, match: Match? = null, conversion: PieceType? = null, throwPiece: Boolean = false, throwEnPassant: Boolean = false, kingsideCastling: Boolean = false, queensideCastling: Boolean = false, check: Boolean = false, checkmate: Boolean = false, drawCode: String = "")
Represent a chess draw


check var check: Boolean
True if the opponent is in check after the draw otherwise false
checkmate var checkmate: Boolean
True if the opponent is in checkmate after the draw otherwise false
color var color: PieceColor?
The color of the piece which was moved
conversion var conversion: PieceType?
The type of piece in which the piece has changed
drawCode var drawCode: String
All draw information as standard algebraic notation(SAN)
endField var endField: Field?
The field to which the piece went
id val id: Int
The ID of this draw (Autogenerated by SQLite database)
kingsideCastling var kingsideCastling: Boolean
True if the draw was a castling to the king side otherwise false
match var match: Match?
The match reference of the draw
pieceType var pieceType: PieceType?
The type of the piece which was moved
queensideCastling var queensideCastling: Boolean
True if the draw was a castling to the queen side otherwise false
startField var startField: Field?
The field from which the piece was started
throwEnPassant var throwEnPassant: Boolean
True if a piece was throw by en passant otherwise false
throwPiece var throwPiece: Boolean
True if a piece was throw otherwise false


setValuesByDrawCode fun setValuesByDrawCode(): Unit
Sets all draw properties by draw code (SAN)