
RESTful chessgame developed with kotlin

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Package htwdd.chessgame.server.model


Draw data class Draw
Represent a chess draw
DrawList data class DrawList
Data wrapper for a list of draws. Necessary for JSON serialization/deserialization.
Field class Field : Serializable
Represent a chess field
Match data class Match
Represent a chess match
MatchHashMap data class MatchHashMap
Data wrapper for a hash map of matches. Necessary for JSON serialization/deserialization.
Piece class Piece : Serializable
Represent a chess piece
PieceColor enum class PieceColor
Represent a color of piece or player
PieceSet class PieceSet : Serializable
Represent a set of chess pieces
PieceSetHashMap data class PieceSetHashMap
Data wrapper for a hash map of pieceSets. Necessary for JSON serialization/deserialization.
PieceType enum class PieceType
Represent a type of a chess piece
Player data class Player : Serializable
Represent a chess player
PlayerHashMap data class PlayerHashMap
Data wrapper for a hash map of players. Necessary for JSON serialization/deserialization.