
RESTful chessgame developed with kotlin

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htwdd.chessgame.server.model / Match / <init>


Match(id: Int = 0, players: HashMap<PieceColor, Player> = HashMap(), playerWhite: Player? = null, playerBlack: Player? = null, pieceSets: HashMap<PieceColor, PieceSet> = hashMapOf(WHITE to PieceSet(), BLACK to PieceSet()), currentColor: PieceColor = WHITE, history: MutableList<Draw> = mutableListOf(), kingsideCastling: HashMap<PieceColor, Boolean> = hashMapOf(WHITE to true, BLACK to true), queensideCastling: HashMap<PieceColor, Boolean> = hashMapOf(WHITE to true, BLACK to true), enPassantField: Field? = null, halfMoves: Int = 0, check: HashMap<PieceColor, Boolean> = hashMapOf(WHITE to false, BLACK to false), checkmate: Boolean = false, matchCode: String = "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1")

Represent a chess match

Author Felix Dimmel